5th Graders and Families: You’re Invited

All CES Fifth Graders and their family and friends:

There will be an informal picnic ( bring your own lunch) at the fountain/Downtown Cary park           (weather permitting)  after the 5th grade ceremony on June 8th.

Last Day Procedures for 5th Graders:

  • When you walk into the Cary Arts Center for the 10:30 am ceremony you will see a staff member at a table.
  • You will sign in and if you are wanting to have your child leave early you will sign for your student to leave and will be given a token to indicate you have signed out your student.
  • After the ceremony everyone will head back to their classrooms to pick up report cards and certificates in the classroom.
  • The family member who signed out his/her student will show the teacher the token given earlier so teacher can release child to adults for early dismissal.
  • Once you have picked up your child from their classroom, (OPTIONAL) please meet us over at the downtown park for an informal picnic if you are able! Hopefully the weather will cooperate!

If you can, let’s come together and spend a last celebratory lunch together as Cary Elementary’s 5th Grade Class of 2018! 

These six years at CES together have flown by.  Let’s celebrate these friendships that have formed as they’ve moved on to the next step.